Why do I use “MasterAlan” as my internet civilization moniker?
Earlier this year I was presented with a Cover and given the Title of Master, this has created an interesting ethical quandary for me.
Early on my Leather path, I was entrusted with a leather Vest, shortly before this internet created civilization. It was a big deal in the club that I was associated with, and a moment to be celebrated and remembered. The occasion was considered a landmark on a member’s path, and an important accomplishment required to start the next phase of someone’s life.
During this celebration, older members came up and charged me with simple duties and customs, a few of these have been my foundation over the years.
The conversations always started with;
"Congratulations Sir, as is our custom that we charge you with a request or a question that you must answer for yourself;"
(My favorite from a close friend) "Sir, let’s be honest, this celebration is a passé, archaic ritual and the vest is a purely ceremonial garment. The quality of the person inside it though, is what really matters; it is that quality in you that we are celebrating, with or without the fashion statement."
"You have earned the Title of ”Sir” from us, by your willingness to learn and by your actions you have proven your value to us. It is ethically reprehensible to disregard this value, and respect that we have for you, by not living by what you have learned, nor accepting this Title we have given to you."
Since that day April 20th, 1985, I have always introduced myself as Sir Alan, and signed any correspondence in my leather or b/d/sm communities as such.
On March 14th, 2014 I was entrusted with a Cover, presented to me by 2 Leather men whom I’ve known for almost 2 decades, in the presence of my South West Florida community.
Once again during the celebration those that I respected came up and charged me with duties or statements;
“For over 15 years, you have always gave of yourself, service has never been just a word to you, it’s been something you do. You've put your name on the line, stood up for everything you believed in and never backed down. For these reasons alone I believe you have already earned this Cover and the Title we've given you.”.
”We all know you are one feisty, mean little s.o.b. that never backs down from a fight when defending family, friends, or what you believe is right. You have no reservations when you feel that the “elephant in the middle of the room” needs to be pointed out, when no one else will stand up and say it. We’re okay with this, in fact it’s kind of why we love you. Now, you must pick your fights more carefully. Ask yourself, Will the outcome of your actions create something positive? Some battles are just not worth the cost”.
”Master Alan, it been a pleasure to watch you grow over the many years we’ve known each other. I know that this occasion is going to create growth challenges for you that you may have never encountered. I know you love a good challenge, now you know you don’t have to Earn It, you can just tackle these challenges for the fun of it.”
After receiving my Cover, I did a lot of asking questions of my mentor and those I consider my elders, probably driving them insane with my endless queries. One of the things I did learn is; it is socially impolite to introduce myself as Master Alan outside my community. This Title is only used by others in in your community as recognition of your accomplishments , and their respect for you. Much like a degree of “honoris causae’’ (Latin: "for the sake of the honor") or in laymen’s terms an honorary Doctorates or Masters degree; that Dr. or PHD is only officially recognized by that university. Although, those that have done the work and have proven their learning are entitled to use Dr. or PHD. in their everyday life, even by those they never went to school with.
So here I sit 9 months later staring at this internet moniker of MasterAlan, pondering which edge of this double edged sword I prefer to cut myself with.
1: ” You have earned the Title of Sir (Master) from us by your willingness to learn (teach), and by your actions you have proven your value to us. It is ethically reprehensible to disregard this value, and respect that we have for you, by not living by what you have learned, nor accepting this Title we’ve given to you.”
2: ”; it is socially impolite to introduce yourself as Master Alan. This Title is only used by others in in your community as recognition of your accomplishments, and their respect for you.”
This internet civilization is not my community, but the internet is the most prevalent form of communication today. The internet civilization does not know me, to anyone reading my replies online, it is but the moniker of a cyber personification. I might be just another guy that found the “M” key, or was given an Honorary Cover after a few years of facilitating an event or function in a BDSM environment.
When I went for advice from my Mentor, he replied with 2 questions. (and my friends wonder where I learned this from)
1: What does the Title "Master Alan" mean to you?
2: Do you want this Title?
Talk about throwing a guy a curve ball, mean to me? want? Why do I feel like I just got smacked by "Gibbs"?
Master is defined in this culture as:
1: a title given to one that has proven to be eminently skilled in an art, occupation or science, a person whose teachings or examples are respected and or followed.
2: the term of endearment between a couple in a Master / slave relationship dynamic.
Alan is defined as;
Celtic male for harmony, peace, congruity, or an agreement.
Germanic male for precious, as in well loved;
Gaelic “ailin” meaning “little rock”
For once in my life I am perfectly content with this definitive of me, it is a daily reminder of who I need to be.
In my eyes why do people address me as Master Alan?
I have proven through my actions over the past 2 decades, that my philosophy and practice of Leather works. I have proven to my local community that what I teach coincides with how I live.
I have made a choice to live my life the way I was taught, and the way I see fit. It does not matter if I am popular, if I stand alone as the “bad guy”, or if others don't agreed with my decisions, it works for me.
This piece of Leather as I understand it, symbolizes that those who presented it to me, and my local community understand and appreciate my service, my philosophy and this thing I do that I call Leather. Those that address me as Master Alan are those that know me, and they are the only ones that really matter in my life, not this internet civilization.
So the answer to this ethical quandary did not come from within, but from those who have traveled this path with me.
Yes, I am often called Sir, Coach, Papa Smurf, Sir Asshole, Daddy, ELF, the mutinous pirate, but above all else Today I am;
Master Alan.
A Master is a slave to his community, just as his boy is onto him.
To those who wish to call me anything else, feel free; but please just don’t call me late for dinner.